What Your Nails Say About Your Health

What Your Nails Say About Your Health

  Healthy nails are typically smooth and free from discoloration. The condition of your nails can often reflect aspects of your overall health and nutrition. While these changes are usually not linked to serious health issues, they can act as early warning signs, suggesting that you should consult your doctor.

When Your Nails Develop a Different Texture

  • Brittle Nails

  Rough and easily breakable nails, known as Onychoschizia, are among the most frequently reported nail issues, particularly in women. This condition often results from the repeated wetting and drying of fingernails. It can also be linked to iron deficiency or hypothyroidism. To prevent this, consider wearing protective gloves when washing dishes or cooking, and regularly apply hand lotion to keep your nails hydrated.

  • Fragile or Brittle Nails

  Soft and brittle nails are often a result of excessive exposure to moisture or chemicals like detergents, nail polish removers, and nail treatment products. To strengthen your nails, try to minimize contact with such chemicals and allow them to heal naturally. Weak nails can also be linked to deficiencies in Vitamin B, Calcium, Iron, or Fatty Acids. It's best to consult with your doctor to determine the right supplements and dietary changes for your overall health.

  • Nails That are Chipping or Flaking

  Peeling nails are often the result of external stress, like using them to press or open objects. However, it can also be a sign of an iron deficiency, especially if toenails are affected too. It’s best to consult with your doctor about potential supplements if you suspect this might be the case. Incorporating iron-rich foods, such as lentils, cereals, and red meat, into your diet can help improve nail health.

  • Nail ridges

  Horizontal lines, commonly referred to as Beau's lines, appear as ridges across your fingernails. Vertical ridges might suggest iron deficiency anemia, while horizontal lines could signal kidney disease.

  • Swollen Skin Creases

  If the skin around your nails appears swollen and red, it may indicate inflammation of the nail fold. This condition could be linked to lupus, an autoimmune disease that impacts various parts of the body, or another connective tissue disorder. Additionally, it might result from a fungal infection.

  • Yellow Nails

  Yellow nails are quite common and can result from a fungal infection or a reaction to certain products you may be using. Consider using natural remedies like tea tree oil or Vitamin E to combat infections. If the discoloration continues, it could indicate a more serious problem, so it's advisable to consult a doctor before trying any supplements.

  • Dark Streaks on Your Nails

  Black lines, which may sometimes appear brown or dark red, are referred to as splinter hemorrhages and can occur several times throughout a person's life. They are typically the result of external injuries or trauma to the nail, such as accidentally slamming a door on a finger. These lines are caused by inflammation of the blood vessels beneath the nail and will fade as the nail grows out.

  • White Spots on Your Nails

  White spots often appear during adolescence and typically signify a zinc deficiency. However, they can also result from an allergic reaction, a fungal infection, or nail injury.

  • Nails With A Bluish Tint

  Nails with a bluish hue may indicate a deficiency of oxygen in the body. This could be linked to underlying respiratory issues such as emphysema or certain heart conditions.

Suggested Products To Take Care Of Your Nail:


  In summary, the state of your nails can provide valuable insights into your overall health and nutritional status. While changes in nail texture, color, or appearance are often benign, they can serve as important indicators of potential health issues. By being attentive to these signs and consulting with a healthcare professional when necessary, you can take proactive steps toward maintaining both nail and overall health. Additionally, incorporating protective measures and using quality nail care products can help preserve the integrity of your nails, ensuring they remain strong and healthy. Remember, your nails can be a reflection of your body’s internal condition, so it’s essential to listen to what they may be telling you.

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